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Nature is the source of life

We owe the future generations a cleaner and greener nature than what we inherited from our forefathers.

Let's conserve nature

About Us

SCON is a Non profit, Non Government Organization registered under the Society Act of the Govt of India. Founded on 28 July 1998 with a mandate of serving as an intellectual force that provides awareness, research and policy inputs for sustainable development.

Our Objectives

To help conserve nature with modern and traditional knowledge for sustainable agriculture and development.


To provide services for alternate sources of energy; waste minimizing technologies and waste recycling for conservation of nature.


To highlight the health problems associated with environmental degradation.


To prepare status papers on state of the environment in different regions of the country.


To organize seminars/workshops/group discussions on topics related to efficient use of natural resources and improving environmental quality.


To help frame and implement environment law to safeguard natural resources and environment.

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